Sunday, November 1, 2009


I love Halloween. This year I made Lorenzo the most amazing SuperMan constume. It was waayyy too cute. We had a party at the Church, trick or treated at the Boulevard Mall and went out Halloween night.   The best activity was the mall. It was warm, there were tons of kids in great costumes, there was lots of candy and did I mention that it was warm?  
This is our friend Carly. With Wolverine and Superman.
Halloween night was absolutely, miserably cold. We were only able to go to a few houses before we had to call it quits. On our way home we did stop off at our firestation for cider and doughnuts. Right when we got there a man kept telling me to go outside for the costume contest. So, I took Solomon and Lorenzo out for the 0-2 year old boy contest. I felt bad for the other kids because I just knew that Lorenzo would win. Imagine my surprise when he didn't....Solomon did though. He was really adorable in the monkey costume I made for Lorenzo. Now, I like to call him Solomonkey. Well, that was sweet cause we got a 25 dollar gift card to Target. Then we had to go home because it was freezing! But then I got to thinking....if there was an adult contest, my hot Wolverine husband would win for sure. So, I made him go back, even though he didn't want to, and sure enough he won...another $25 bucks. Sometimes it pays to love Halloween.

1 comment:

echo said...

best costumes EVER!!
good job with superman.