Friday, December 16, 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Shortly after we took these, Lorenzo had a really bad idea. It involved scissors and Solomon's hair, he then took inspiration from this photo. I almost died...a little dramatic, but true. I can look back and almost laugh...but not quite. This event was surrounded by other things that made for the worst week of Motherhood so far. Not only did he cut Solo's hair but he also cut his....again (he cut bangs a few months ago). Unfortunately, I couldn't save anything so they both got buzz cuts......and they love them. I couldn't bring myself to take after pictures so you will just have to wait to see their hair.


Our Family said...

I remember when Te'a did that to Scott and Matthue. My ex mother-in-law cut their hair to fix it only for her to do it again. Scotty also decided to cut his air at school about 5 minutes before school pictures were to be done. He came out of the bathroom and saw the horror on is teacher face and instantly replied "I didn't do it!" His school picture has many bald spots showing on his head. It's hard to think about but I promise you will be able to laugh later on. All 3 of your kids are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing.

Sowells said...

Rozannah didn't you have a haircut just like Solo's? I cut the gum out of Violette's hair last night while she was sleeping - just so she wouldn't get any ideas about haircuts. I was too tired to try the PB in the gum. Such a lazy mother am I.