Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Sweet Home

So you may have noticed that I haven't done anything on this blog in a long time. Well, there are two reasons for that. First and Foremost, I am lazy...especially when it comes to journal keeping and staying in touch with friends. Second, we are the proud new owners of this home.

It was a very long and stressful project that we started back in November. But it is finished and we are truly adults now because we have a mortgage and a Gazebo. After reading what I just wrote you might think that we were actually working on the house. NO, no, no, that was just to buy the house. What a freaking ordeal. So, currently I am trying to fix up the house. Emphasis on trying. It is hard with a little one who either wants to be held all the time or wants to get into everything. I love him. That is Lorenzo on the front step with his Valentines goes everywhere with him.


echo said...

so jealous!! a house!! and it is really cute. so awesome for you guys. gazebos are so fun.

Candi & Ezra said...

I was just wondering if your Gazebo available in say July? ...I think Ez and I want to renew our vows :)

The Varo's said...

how exciting! i am a tad bit's so cute.

star said...

Wow! What a cute house! How exciting for you guys. I am glad to see you are blogging again.

Jennelle said...

I Love it!!! That is the cutest house I think I have ever seen! Good luck on the remodling...have you peeled all the wallpaper off yet? If Brady and end going to Buffalo do you think we can kick your next door neighbors out to the curb?

Rozannah said...

Yeah, Frank is old, you could totally take him.