Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Joy of Homeownership

Christopher is currently on Spring Break. I wanted to go on a cruise, but this is what he wanted to do. NOT!!

UGHH!!! In order to appease the Town of Tonawanda we have to relocate our sump pump. What a pain!!!! As if digging a hole big enough for that black bucket wasn't bad enough, to top it off, the hole is full of water. (NO pun intended) And when you empty the hole it immediately fills right back up. What a mess!!!


echo said...

wow, that does not look like fun at all. but i am still way jealous that you have a home of your own. good luck with the pump.
ps. we might be in DC for the summer. if this is the case, then i want to come and visit you!!

Rozannah said...

That would be so AWESOME!!!! I hope your not joking because I am really excited.

echo said...

i am so serious. just pray that marc gets the internship.